Company Information

Alexander Svet

Contact Name :Alexander Svet
Company Name :Alexander Svet
Details :

- Technical management (main scope of  activity)
- ISM / ISPS certification and maintenance
- Vessels technical inspection and valuation
- Sale and purchase of vessels (main scope of  activity)
- ISM / ISPS certification and maintenance
- Vessels technical inspection and valuation
- Sale and purchase of vessels
- Marine consultations (including financial)
- Project Development and Management
- Accounting service  and Budgeting
- Insurance arrangements and claim management
- crewing

- Marine consultations (including financial)
- Project Development and Management
- Accounting service  and Budgeting
- Insurance arrangements and claim management
- crewing

Yours faithfully,
Capt. Alexander Svet /MD

Tallinn, Estonia
Skype : shipsale
Mob : + 372 5 3445261


To see the contact details please Login or Register
Country : Estonia
E-Mail :
Web :
Phone : 372   53445261
Fax :372   6373626
Address :12/6, Masti str, Tallinn, Estonia
Alexander Svet

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