Company Information

CV. Java Kin Marine

Contact Name :Fransiscus Jami
Company Name :CV. Java Kin Marine
Details :
  • Serve Chandlery.
  • Serve Provision Of Food / Vegetable & Beverage Fresh / Canned Food / Fresh Fruit.
  • Serve Bonded Stores.
  • Serve Cabin & Deck Stores (ISSA & IMPA Code).  
  • Service Clean  & take disposal Sludge Oil & Garbage from ship with certificate.
  • Serve / Supply Lubricants & Synthetics.
  • Service Ship Repair. 
  • Serve Engine & Chemicals Store (ISSA & IMPA Code).
  • Serve B.A.Charts & Books Publications.
  • Service Rewind Electric Motor of Dynamo.
  • Serve Refilling Cylinders Bottles of Oxygen, Acytilene, Freon.
  • Serve Safety.
  • Service Annual Inspections of Liferaft, Fire extinguisher, EEBD, SCBA, CO2 System, Life Boat, with certificate approved by International Classification.
To see the contact details please Login or Register
Country : Indonesia
E-Mail :
Web :
Phone : (+62)   85720281056
Fax :  
Address :Jl. Tempel Sukerejo Vl No. 10
CV. Java Kin Marine

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