For Sale
Happy New Year
A New Surplus GE Frame 6-FA Combined Cycle power plant, 225 MW, 50 Hz, nat gas, 0 hours, manufactured in 2011.
The powerplant was designed for local site conditions as a base load combined cycle with 225 MW nominal capacity constructed in a 1 st phase and with intention to add an additional 133 MW as a 2 nd phase expansion.
The 1 st phase natural gas-fired plant has its equipment already 95% (by value) constructed. However, it has never been commissioned due to lack of availability of natural gas. Construction stopped in 2017. All installed equipment is still 100% unused and uncommissioned . The power plant remained uncompleted to this day due to inability of the state to provide the site with natural gas.
It is proposed that the plant be sold for dismantling and re-location.
MAIN EQUIPMENT and Balance of Plant (BoP)
Main Equipment Groups (ISBL)
The main equipment of the 1 st phase construction comprises:
Balance of Plant (ISBL)
The balance of plant (BoP) consists of, but is not limited to:
More details will be available upon request
Please advise your interest
Best regards
Woonha Jee
INSOL Corporation
101-802 , Bundangro 190
Seongnam city, Kyonggido
13581, Korea
Nana Osae Nyampong VI | Click here to see contact details in the message |
Hello, I am interested in your 225 MW with GE General Electric Frame 6FA ( 0 hours ,50 HZ) CCPP For Immediate Sale.
Hans Mat Seddek | Click here to see contact details in the message |
we have interest to have further discussion about the machines.
please contact us back urgently.
thank you.
Akram Mansouri | Click here to see contact details in the message |
Please send us information and photos of the power plant.
Crawford Dennison | Click here to see contact details in the message |
Good morning Woonha Jee
We have expressed an interest in this plant to an Indian Trader, for onward shipment to Ghana. We have received the term sheet for the finance and are waiting for the signed PPA from the Ghana Government. But have just been told the plant is now sold. Please confirm if this is the case.
Crawford Dennison
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