Subject: Wartsila 20V34SG

Date: 3/28/2024 11:13:13 AM

Details: Reviews 2

Looking for 4 x Wartsila 20V34SG (8.7 or 9.5/9.7Mw) 50hz used engines.

Provide history, location for inspection, price and delivery terms.

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Raj Kumar Katyal
5/6/2024 11:20:49 PM India

03 nos. Gas "Wartsila" 16V34SG Generator sets, ;   50 Hz., ;    YOM - 2004, ;    

 Running -75K hours per set  ( approx.) 

 Delivery - immediate;   Price : US$.555,000. per set with all accessories ;

Sets are still on foundation.  

Thanks and Regards

Kaan Görenek
4/2/2024 4:44:38 PM Turkey

Looking for 4 20V34 SG Wartsila gas engines for for sale.

Please provide history, location, inspection price and delivery terms


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