Good day,
Could you please provide price, weight, expiration date and delivery time for the request below?
Also, please confirm if there is any certificate or data sheet from the factory available for the items requested and advise if items quoted are considered dangerous for shipping.
Please inform the currency and weight.
Please inform if there is an INMETRO certificate or ATEX+ISO9001 available for this item
01 EA Ungenerator front plain bearing - ZOLLERN ZFNLB14 Ø180MM DES.0214-11495
01 EA Generator rear plain bearing un - ZOLLERN ZFNLQ14 Ø180MM DES.0214-11529
PS: -Please only quote New and Original items;
-Please advise FOB and any extra cost related to this quote (ex: packing, handling, credit card/wire transfer fees..);
-Please inform if there is a minimum order.
Kind regards,
Suelen Araújo
Zollern do not exist any more
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