Subject: Hydraulic Pumps

Date: 2/1/2023 3:10:44 PM

Details: Reviews 0


Looking for below items;

  1. Brattvaag Rolls Royce - MG4185/33912 (2units)
  2. Bauer - Nilsen A/S HMJ9-5,9-2-T-5-N (1unit)


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What is Brattvaag Rolls Royce - MG4185/33912 ?

The reference "Brattvaag Rolls Royce - MG4185/33912" is likely related to marine equipment or systems. Brattvaag is a Norwegian company that specializes in the design and manufacture of deck machinery and cranes for the maritime industry. Rolls-Royce is a well-known engineering company with a strong presence in the maritime sector.

The specific reference "MG4185/33912" may refer to a specific model or product code for a deck machinery or crane system produced by Brattvaag and powered by a Rolls-Royce engine. Without more specific information, it's difficult to determine the exact specifications of this equipment. To get more information, you may want to consult the manufacturer's website or contact a Brattvaag or Rolls-Royce representative.

What is Bauer - Nilsen A/S HMJ9-5,9-2-T-5-N ?

"Bauer - Nilsen A/S HMJ9-5,9-2-T-5-N" is likely a reference to a specific product or part manufactured by Bauer-Nilsen A/S, a Norwegian company specializing in the production of hydraulic and mechanical systems for the maritime and offshore industries.

Without more specific information, it is difficult to determine what this product reference specifically refers to. The various numbers and letters in the reference may refer to specific specifications or design parameters for the product. To get more information about the Bauer-Nilsen A/S HMJ9-5,9-2-T-5-N, you may want to consult the manufacturer's website or contact Bauer-Nilsen directly.


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