Is Wartsila a good place to work ?


Is Wartsila a good place to work ?

"Great place to work"

Great place to work, if you love travel and being paid well. Great benefits also. It's hard to maintain a personal life, when you're constantly on the road. The travel for field positions is extremely high.


I worked at Wärtsilä full-time for more than 3 years


Great place to work, if you love travel and being paid well. Great benefits also.


It's hard to maintain a personal life, when you're constantly on the road. The travel for field positions is extremely high.


- The people you work with from all over the globe, as individuals. - The pay rate is above some competitors when first hired, but raises are few and far between once an employee. - The benefits (in US) are fairly good


The value placed on employees is fairly low. Routine to ask for a "Christmas Miracle" every 3rd and 4th quarter while denying any raises to line employees. Even if targets are exceeded. The president of the US network company sent an email to all employees thanking a field service member for not going to his dying father's bedside and funeral and staying working.

Advice to Management

Value your employees in deed and not just with lip service. Stop hiring 'friends' for management positions and then re-shuffling them to new management positions where they can cause issues again. Hold management accountable and stop punishing the employees who actually deliver on customer expectations.


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Is Wartsila a good place to work ?


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